Vol. 71 (1) Regular Issue (July 2015)
- Cover
- Editorial pages
- Materials
- Properties
- TWIP mechanism in processing of high-manganese austenitic steel
Dobrzański, W. Borek, J. Mazurkiewicz (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 71/1 july 2015 - Improving open toothed weels
P. Kaplun, V. Gonchar, Yu. Shalapko (Ukraine), M. Bonek (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 71/1 july 2015 - The study of TRIP effect in an austenitic stainless steel AISI 304
F.T. Lischka, C.A.S. de Oliveira (Brasil) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 71/1 july 2015 - Manufacturing and processing
- Industrial management and organisation
- Indexes
- Publisher`s notice
- Editor`s notice
- Back cover