Vol. 43 (1) Regular Issue (November 2010)
- Research Monographs
- Materials
- The influence of kinetics of phase transformations during tempering on high-speed steels mechanical properties
P. Bała, J. Pacyna (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010 - The influence of the environment on the degradation of polylactides and their composites
J. Chłopek, A. Morawska-Chochół, B. Szaraniec (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010 - Effect of deep cryogenic treatment on substructure of HS6-5-2 high speed steel
J. Jeleńkowski, A. Ciski, T. Babul (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010 - Wear behaviour of composite materials based on 2024 Al-alloy reinforced with δ alumina fibres
J.W. Kaczmar, K. Naplocha (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010 - Diamonds in meteorites – Raman mapping and cathodoluminescence studies
A.T. Karczemska (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010 - Modification of surface films on chromium-nickel-molybdenum steel implants used in orthopaedics and traumatology
J. Marciniak (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010 - The influence of heat treatment on microstructure and crack resistance of boron microalloyed steel plates
M. Opiela (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010 - Use of coronary stents – material and biophysical conditions
Z. Paszenda (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010 - High quality casting materials
S. Pietrowski (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010 - Chromium carbide coatings obtained by the hybrid PVD methods
M. Richert, A. Mazurkiewicz, J. Smolik (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010 - Polymer composites filled with powders as polymer graded materials
J. Stabik, A. Dybowska, M. Chomiak (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010 - Composite layers on titanium and Ti6Al4V alloy for medical applications
B. Surowska, J. Bieniaś (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010 - New bone implant material with calcium sulfate and Ti modified hydroxyapatite
A. Ślósarczyk, J. Czechowska, Z. Paszkiewicz, A. Zima (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010 - The importance of PET filtration for the possibility of material recycling
G. Wróbel, R. Bagsik (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010 - Compositional, physical and chemical modification of polylactide
M. Żenkiewicz, P. Rytlewski, R. Malinowski (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010 - Quantitative characterisation of the microstructure high chromium steel with boron for advanced steam power plants
A. Zielińska-Lipiec, T. Kozieł, A. Czyrska-Filemonowicz (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010
- Properties
- Examinations on retention of overdentures with elastic frictional attachments
W. Chladek, G. Chladek, M. Wrzuś-Wieliński, J. Żmudzki (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010 - Prevention methods against hydrogen degradation of steel
J. Ćwiek (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010 - Material and tribological problems occurring during the design and utilisation of hip endoprostheses
M. Gierzyńska-Dolna, W. Więckowski, H. Wiśniewska-Weinert (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010 - Corrosion behaviour of plastically deformed high-Mn austenitic steels
A. Grajcar, W. Krukiewicz, S. Kołodziej (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010 - Abrasive wear of railway sections of steel with a different pearlite morphology in railroad switches
J. Herian, K. Aniołek (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010 - Evaluation of reformer tubes degradation after long term operation
J. Łabanowski (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010 - High temperature corrosion of Ti-46Al-7Nb-0.7Cr-0.1Si-0.2Ni intermetalics–based alloys in N2-O2-SO2 environments
J. Małecka, W. Grzesik (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010 - Follow up of biocompatibity of new total hip joint endoprosthesis in a canine model
¼. Rehák, M. Žitòanský, I. Šoltés, J. Horecký (Slovak Republic) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010 - Crystallographic texture and anisotropy of electrolytic deposited copper coating analysis
S.J. Skrzypek, W. Ratuszek, A. Bunsch, M. Witkowska, J. Kowalska, M. Goły, K. Chruściel (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010 - Studies of the structure and properties of Ni-P and Ni-P/Si3N4 surface layers deposited on aluminum by the electroless method
M. Trzaska (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010 - Effect of Mn and Mo on the quality of welding trucks steel supporting structures
T. Węgrzyn, R. Burdzik (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010
- Analysis and modelling
- Models of construction attributes selection process in ordered construction families
P. Gendarz, M. Cielniak (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010 - Application of the computer tomography in examination of the internal structure of materials by considering the specific conditions of the problem
R. Grzymkowski, E. Hetmaniok, M. Pleszczyński, A. Zielonka (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010 - Application of the homotopy perturbation method for calculation of the temperature distribution in the cast-mould heterogeneous domain
R. Grzymkowski, E. Hetmaniok, D. Słota (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010 - Computer modelling of ductile iron solidification using FDM and CA methods
W. Kapturkiewicz, A.A. Burbelko, E. Fraś, M. Górny, D. Gurgul (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010 - Denture foundation tissues loading criteria in evaluation of dentures wearing characteristics
J. Kasperski, J. Żmudzki, G. Chladek (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010 - FEM applications to the analysis of passive solar wall elements
K. Lenik, D. Wójcicka-Migasiuk (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010 - Forging tools modification with graphene-like solid lubricant nanoparticles
V. Leshchynsky, M. Ignatiev, H. Wiśniewska-Weinert, J. Borowski, T. Rybak (Poland), I. Dobrovnik (Slovenia) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010 - Database for foundry engineers – simulationDB – a modern database storing simulation results
P. Malinowski, J.S. Suchy (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010 - Creep age forming: a short review of fundaments and applications
F.C. Ribeiro, E.P. Marinho, D.J. Inforzato, P.R. Costa, G.F. Batalha (Brazil) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010 - The metal magnetic memory method in the diagnostics of power machinery components
M. Roskosz, A. Rusin, J. Kotowicz (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010
- Theoretical and experimental aspects of the bimetallic reinforcement bars steel - steel resistant to corrosion rolling process
S. Sawicki, H. Dyja, S. Mróz, P. Szota (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010 - Stress-strain analysis of the femoral component of ZIREMA total hip endoprosthesis
M. Žitòanský, ¼. Rehák, M. Naï, R. Ïuriš (Slovak Republic) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010
- Manufacturing and processing
- Bimetallic layer castings
M. Cholewa, T. Wróbel, S. Tenerowicz (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010 - Development of a twin roll caster for light metals
T. Haga (Japan) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010 - Primary stage of Fe-Cr-C alloy oxidation at 1100°C
M. Hajduga, D. Jędrzejczyk (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010 - A brighter place: overview of microstructured sunlight guide
H. Hocheng, T.Y. Huang, T.H. Chou, W.H. Yang (Taiwan, ROC) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010 - Cast iron zinc galvanizing improved by high temperature oxidation process
D. Jędrzejczyk, M. Hajduga (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010 - Tailoring of anodic surface layer properties on titanium and its implant alloys for biomedical purposes
E. Krasicka-Cydzik (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010 - Friction Stir Welding of austenitic stainless steels
C. Meran, O.E. Canyurt (Turkey) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010 - Ensuring uniformity of strengthening for machine parts surfaces by shot-peening
Z.A. Stotsko, T.O. Stefanovych (Ukraine) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010 - Exogeneous inoculation of pure Al with use of electromagnetic field
J. Szajnar, T. Wróbel (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010 - Hard and superhard nanolaminate and nanocomposite coatings for machine elements based on Ti6Al4V alloy
B. Wendler, T. Moskalewicz, I. Progalskiy, W. Pawlak, M. Makówka, K. Włodarczyk, P. Nolbrzak, A. Czyrska-Filemonowicz, A. Rylski (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010 - Arc-plasma spraying and suctioncasting methods in magnetic materials manufacturing
J.J. Wysłocki, P. Pawlik (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010
- Industrial management and organisation
- Eco-efficiency analysis methodology on the example of the chosen polyolefins production
K. Czaplicka-Kolarz, D. Burchart-Korol, P. Krawczyk (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010 - Quality Improvement Methodologies – PDCA Cycle, RADAR Matrix, DMAIC and DFSS
M. Sokovic (Slovenia), D. Pavletic (Croatia), K. Kern Pipan (Slovenia) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 43/1 November 2010
- Indexes
- Publisher's notice
- Editor's notice
- Back cover