Vol. 24 (1) Extended Issue (September 2007)
- Materials
- Comparison of different techniques of laser surface hardening
J. Grum (Slovenia) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - FMR study of magnetic nanoparticles embedded in non-magnetic matrix
N. Guskos (Greece) co-operating with E.A. Anagnostakis (Greece), A. Guskos (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Energy absorption capacities of square tubular structures
A.M.S. Hamouda (Qatar) co-operating with R.O. Saied (Libya), F.M. Shuaeib (Libya) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Silicon nitride ceramics – review of structure, processing and properties
S. Hampshire (Ireland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Applications of thin coatings in automotive industry
P. Louda (Czech Republic) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Phosphorus in iron alloys surface engineering
J. Nowacki (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Soft magnetic polymer-metal composites consisting of nanostructural Fe-basic powders
R. Nowosielski (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Investigation on the deformability of tin bronzes CuSn6 modified with zirconium on the industrial hot rolling of flat ingots
W. Ozgowicz (Poland) co-operating with W. Malec, L. Ciura (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Effect of annealing on structure and properties of ledeburitic cast steel
J. Pacyna (Poland) co-operating with E. Rożniata (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Multi-parameter analysis and modelling of engineering surface texture
G.P. Petropoulos (Greece) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Complex silumins
S. Pietrowski (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Microstructure stability of the PtRh alloys used for catalytic ammonia oxidation
Z.M. Rdzawski (Poland) co-operating with J.P. Stobrawa, J. Szynowski (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Manufacturing of cellular A2011 alloy from semi-solid state
M.H. Robert (Brazil) co-operating with D. Delbin (Brazil) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Superplasticity in titanium alloys
J. Sieniawski (Poland) co-operating with M. Motyka (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Thermographic diagnosis of fatigue degradation of epoxy-glass composites
G. Wróbel (Poland) co-operating with G. Muzia, Z.M. Rdzawski, M. Rojek, J. Stabik (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Methods for the calculation of surface free energy of solids
M. Żenkiewicz (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Investigation and implantation of endo-prosthesis in biological experiment on animals
M. Žitòanský (Slovakia) co-operating with L. Caplovic, L. Rehák, F. Makai (Slovakia) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Properties
- Damage mechanisms of Ti-Al intermetallics in three point ultrasonic bending fatigue
E. Bayraktar (France) co-operating with H. Xue (China), C. Bathias (France) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Local approach contributions into the global view of the mechanical crack-tip environment formulation
Y. Katz (USA) co-operating with N. Tymiak, W.W. Gerberich (USA) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Nanodiamonds
S. Mitura (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Electrical resistivity of copper oxide thin films prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering
A.A. Ogwu (United Kingdom) co-operating with T.H. Darma (Nigeria), E. Bouquerel (Switzerland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Contribution to study and development of PM stainless steels with improved properties
M. Rosso (Italy) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Liquid phase deposition methods monitoring techniques influence for solid substrates and thin metal oxide films properties
A.V. Valiulis (Lithuania) co-operating with P. Silickas (Lithuania) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Crystal quality and electrical properties of p-type GaN thin film on Si(111) substrate by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition MOCVD
G.M. Wu (Taiwan) co-operating with T.H. Hsieh (Taiwan) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Analysis and modelling
- Modelling, synthesis, modification, sensitivity and analysis of mechanic and mechatronic systems
A. Buchacz (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Optimisation of the composing part of hand brake mechanism
S. Ekinovic (Bosnia & Herzegovina) co-operating with E. Saric (Bosnia & Herzegovina) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Experimental and finite element simulation of formability and failures in multilayered tubular components
M.S.J. Hashmi (Ireland) co-operating with M.D. Islam, A.G. Olabi (Ireland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Research activities of computeraided materials processing laboratory
Y.T. Im (Korea) co-operating with H.W. Lee, H.C. Lee, M. Awais, Y.G. Jin, K.H. Jung, K.H. Jung (Korea) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Modelling of fracture wear in vitrified cBN grinding wheels
M.J. Jackson (USA) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Numerical modelling of structure and mechanical properties for medical tools
L. Jeziorski (Poland) co-operating with J. Jasinski, M. Lubas, M. Szota, P. Lacki, B. Stodolnika (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Precise modelling of HSC machine tool thermal behaviour
J. Jędrzejewski (Poland) co-operating with W. Modrzycki, Z. Kowal, W. Kwaśny, Z. Winiarski (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Selected methods of modelling of polymer during the injection moulding process
J. Koszkul (Poland) co-operating with J. Nabiałek (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Multi-scale modelling of surface topography in single-point diamond turning
W.B. Lee (Hong Kong) co-operating with C.F. Cheung, S. To (Hong Kong) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Investigations of causes of dumping conveyor breakdown
E. Rusiński (Poland) co-operating with J. Czmochowski, P. Moczko (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Computer simulation of microstructure transformation in heat treatment processes
B. Smoljan (Croatia) co-operating with S. Smokvina Hanza, N. Tomašić, D. Iljkić (Croatia) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Complex mathematical model and optimisation of vibration volumetric treatment for surfaces of machine parts
Z.A. Stotsko (Ukraine) co-operating with B.I. Sokil, V.G. Topilnytskyy (Ukraine) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Application of smart materials in vibration control systems
E. Świtoński (Poland) co-operating with A. Mężyk, W. Klein (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Casting structure change caused by magnetic field
J. Szajnar (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Cavitation and grain growth during superplastic forming
M.J. Tan (Singapore) co-operating with K.M. Liew (Hong Kong), H. Tan (Singapore) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Some aspects of blank-holder force schemes in deep drawing process
A. Wifi (Egypt) co-operating with A. Mosallam (Egypt) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Mechanism of the intermetallic phase / compound growth on the substrate
W. Wołczyński (Poland) co-operating with E. Guzik, D. Kopyciński, C. Senderowski (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Detection of short circuit in pulse gas metal arc welding process
P.K.D.V. Yarlagadda (Australia) co-operating with P. Praveen, V.K. Madasu (Australia), S. Rhee (Korea) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Manufacturing and processing
- Comparison between AC and MFDC resistance spot welding by using high speed filming
S.C.A. Alfaro (Brazil) co-operating with J.E. Vargas, M.A. Wolff , L.O. Vilarinho, (Brazil) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Intelligent modelling in manufacturing
J. Balic (Slovenia) co-operating with F. Cus (Slovenia) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Residual stresses modelling in hard turning and its correlation with the cutting forces
G.F. Batalha (Brazil) co-operating with S. Delijaicov, J.B. Aguiar, E.C. Bordinassi, M. Stipkovic Filho (Brazil) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - High-speed milling of light metals
F. Cus (Slovenia) co-operating with U. Zuperl (Slovenia), V. Gecevska (Macedonia) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - High speed twin roll caste for aluminum alloy thin strip
T. Haga (Japan) co-operating with H. Inui, H. Sakaguchi, H. Watari, S. Kumai (Japan) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Advanced materials and protective coatings in aero-engines application
M. Hetmańczyk (Poland) co-operating with L. Swadźba, B. Mendala (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - A review of monitoring for nanoimprinting
H. Hocheng (Taiwan) co-operating with C.C. Nien (Taiwan) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Development of novel piezoceramic actuator modules for the embedding in intelligent lightweight structures
W. Hufenbach (Germany) co-operating with M. Gude, N. Modler, C. Kirvel (Germany) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Welding of girders to insert plates of composite steel-concrete structure
A. Klimpel (Poland) co-operating with A. Lisiecki, J. Szlek (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - High precision machining on high speed machines
J. Kopaè (Slovenia) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Lateral extrusion of a cross fitting with a lost core
T. Ohashi (Japan) co-operating with H. Ito, K. Shinozaki, S. Ito, H. Watari (Japan) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Quality management in development of hard coatings on cutting tools
M. Soković (Slovenia) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Virtualisation of casting engineering
J.S. Suchy (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Recent achievements in computer aided process planning and numerical modelling of sheet metal forming processes
M. Tisza (Hungary) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Hot closed die forging – State-of-Art and future development
B. Tomov (Bulgaria) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Development of rolling mill for rectangular orthodontic wires production
G.E. Totten (USA) co-operating with A.I. Filho (Spain), C.A.R. Gouvéa (Brazil), A. Neto (Brazil), L.C. Casteletti (Brazil) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 24/1 September 2007 - Industrial management and organisation
- Education and research trends
- Indexes
- Publisher's notice
- Editor's notice
- Back cover