Vol. 22 (1) Regular Issue (May 2007)
- Cover
- Editorial
- Contents
- Photo essay
- Recollection of Prof. J. Adamczyk
L.A. Dobrzanski (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 22/1 May 2007 - Research paper
- Materials
- Repair of magnesium alloy castings by means of welding and pad welding (1.159)
J. Adamiec, S. Roskosz, R. Jarosz (Poland) - Properties of cast iron modifying with use of new inoculants (1.129)
J. Jezierski, D. Bartocha (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 22/1 May 2007 - Corrosion resistance of Elektron 21 magnesium alloy (1.044)
A. Kielbus (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 22/1 May 2007 - The influence of HEBM on the structure of Fe-0,8%C alloys (1.161)
R. Nowosielski, W. Pilarczyk (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 22/1 May 2007 - Properties
- Methodology of research
- Analysis and modelling
- Analysis of a degenerated standard model in the piercing process (1.122)
K. Jamroziak (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 22/1 May 2007 - Simulation of induction heating process with radiative heat exchange (1.121)
A. Kachel, R. Przylucki (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 22/1 May 2007 - A simple algorithm for formability analysis (1.178)
J. Majak, M. Pohlak, R. Kuttner (Estonia) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 22/1 May 2007 - Numerical algorithm of cast steel latent heat identifications (1.202)
E. Majchrzak, M. Dziewonski, G. Kaluza (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 22/1 May 2007 - Model of pure metal solidification using the power-type function (1.232)
B. Mochnacki, R. Szopa (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 22/1 May 2007 - FEM modelling of fatigue loaded bolted flange joints (1.245)
T. Smolnicki, E. Rusinski, J. Karlinski (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 22/1 May 2007 - Manufacturing and processing
- Quality of bimetal Al-Cu joint after explosive cladding (1.165)
S. Berski, Z. Stradomski, H. Dyja (Poland) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 22/1 May 2007 - A new approach to modelling and designing mono-block dental implants (1.240)
R. Hunter, F. Alister, J. Moller, J. Alister (Chile) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 22/1 May 2007 - Development of morphology in laser dressed grinding wheels (1.077)
M.J. Jackson, G.M. Robinson (USA) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 22/1 May 2007 - Analysis of quality of sowing by pneumatic sowing machines for sugar beet (1.012)
B. Mursec, P. Vindis, M. Janzekovic, F. Cus, M. Brus (Slovenia) Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, JAMME, vol. 22/1 May 2007 - Industrial management and organisation
- Education and research trends
- Indexes
- Instructions for the preparation of Journal AMME paper
- Publisher's notice
- Editor's notice
- Back cover